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“Tales For Tra-La-La Day” Book Blog
I'm happy to announce that Tales For Tra-La-La Day, the fourth and final book in the Monkey Mind Tales® anthology book series, is nearing completion. Over the next several months, I will be doing a monthly blog with updates on where we are in the production process. I will also include some previews of our illustrations and rhymes that will be found in the book. Fan Club: If you don't have the patience, time, or memory to check back once a month, I will be sending an announcement to everyone who has signed up for the Monkey Mind Tales® Fan ...

My Second Favorite Book Series
I am taking a break from editing my fourth, and final book, to help spread the word for my second favorite book series. My favorite is Douglas Adams’ "Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy.” The second is Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, which has forty-one books in all—and I’ve loved every one of them. Terry Pratchett's Witches Terry Pratchett—A Literary Genius: There are authors, there masters of literature, and then there are literary geniuses. Terry Pratchett combines philosophy, history, fairytales, mythology, religion, and a host of literary icons while using a sharp, educated wit, an unlimited imagination, and a big heart. I ...

Influenced By The 1970s
I was born in 1970, which was a year in the center of a movement that was spreading throughout the western world. As a child, I had no idea that I was living in the echo of a social revolution that began in the late 1950s, or how that echo influenced the way I saw the world, and how I interacted with it. 20th Century Social Revolution The influence of the mid 20thcentury’s social revolution can best be seen in what came out of it’s publishing houses and entertainment industries. Authors wereasking their readers to look at their lives, and ...